The Cost of Healthcare is No Joke – Be Better

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Healthcare is an issue that gets someone’s blood pressure up, ironically possibly sending them to the hospital and realizing the onerous burden of the cost of healthcare. I would say that it is in your best interest to stay calm, collected, and well fed (with nutritious, and healthy food, of course).

Do yourself a favor and focus on preventative care instead of reactive care. Preventative care costs you time and minimal money. Preventative care is all about your investment in yourself and your time. It is about you taking care of your mind, and your body as well, it is about having a routine for exercises, for “me-time” and for eating right. This even includes the need for the inclusion of a counselor, and quality time where you able to spend the time to learn and grow.

Striving to become better each day instead of settling for sub-optimal.

This is a life that is designed to be optimal overall, to minimize the risk of low productivity and incurring high costs for reactive healthcare.

It is up to you to live better and design your life in a way that will prevent the onset of issues such as diabetes, and other diseases that come from periods of inactivity, poor diets and continuous negative thought patterns.

What does living a better life look like?

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Living a better life essentially looks like this. Being in a state where you know that you are progressing from one level to the next. It is a dynamic state, a fluid state, not one that is static. This is a state where you are challenged and you are growing each day, a state of being where you have the right relationships that will help you progress to the next level and help to refine and improve your life.

But how do you get to that state of being? Start by having a growth and active mind as opposed to a static mind. Don’t be a couch potato, seriously, be active all around.

The first concrete step is to get a counselor, some may call this person, a mentor, or a coach. Make sure that this person is a professional, you need to make sure that this person is a professional because you don’t want a counselor that can lead you astray. After all, our most precious resource is our time, we have to be aware of it and make the right decisions continuously to maximize our time on this planet.

How do you find this Gandalf-esque figure, how do you find this counselor?

Well, it used to be difficult, but thanks to telehealth and improvements in modern medicine, we have the opportunity to able to streamline our search process. We can find what we want, if we are specific, and obtain what we want at a moment’s notice.

We have devices where we can instantly communicate and reach out to people that we want to connect to. Thanks to more innovative organizations, we are able to access these specific services and be able to have a counselor that can meet our needs. Organizations such as BetterHelp, provide direct access to online counseling, making our lives much more easier.

Talking to a counselor on a regular basis can help to unwind your mind. Get started on your journey to an optimal life today.

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Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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