Frequent Breaks Might Just Be the Way to Increase Your Focus at Work

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Regardless of the field you operate in or the level of success you are at in your career, you may find yourself working under a stressful environment from time to time.

While this is apparent in almost every sector, it is glaringly obvious in industries where income is often dependent on results. Realtors, wealth managers, and talent agents all fall under this umbrella.

If you work in these or similar sectors, make sure that you are not driving yourself into the ground by thinking of the consequences of poor work performance. Sometimes, simply stressing about bad results is the core cause of their occurrence, since it affects your work performance and ends up landing you in the place which you dreaded the most.

That is why, those who work in these industries often make sure that they are keeping themselves as calm as possible. For some, this means smoking their favorite tobacco through pipes or custom cigarettes; while for others, it translates to turning towards a calming cup of tea every few hours to maintain their serenity.

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Taking frequent breaks to enhance focus and productivity might sound counterintuitive. But doing so isn’t just mere drivel. It is proven that indulging into such practices through the day could help you combat the effects of anxiety, stress, and an overall feeling of dread. As a result, you are able to focus more and operate with an overall feeling of enhanced wellbeing and confidence.

That is why, more and more professionals – especially those in high pressure jobs – are slowly turning towards making tiny breaks a part of their daily regime, which is something that helps them meet their goals in a more effective manner.

Practicing frequent yet small breaks doesn’t take much away from the day, but it provides immense benefits in terms of relaxation and focus. This is especially true when the breaks are complemented with one of the aforementioned practices, which depending upon the preference of the consumer, work wonders on helping them relax and rejuvenate.

If you are one such individual with a highly demanding job, then turning to these practices for effective relaxation, increased focus, and enhanced productivity might be a very good idea.

Just make sure that you aren’t taking too many breaks to consume too much of your relaxing agents, and you would be able to strike the perfect balance between keeping calm and being productive.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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