Ways Boost Your Income On The Side


Sort your savings

Possible the easiest way to make money is to find a savings account that works hard for you. If you’ve had the same savings account for a few years, it may be worth shopping around to find an account with better rates. As stated on the Money Saving Expert website, you should never accept pitiful savings rates from your bank or building society.

Track down old accounts

The British Bankers’ Association says that 500,000 bank accounts are left dormant or lost in the UK alone. This amounts to up to £1 billion ($1.5 billion) in lost funds on that small island alone. Luckily for customers in both the US and the UK, there are ways to find lost savings accounts yourself at little extra cost.

Online casinos

Back in 2005, the BBC reported “the rise of 9-5 gamblers” in the UK. While this may seem like a risky option, the time invested, in terms of analysing data and developing strategies, can have some beating bookies at their own game. Switching from conventional ‘red-brick’ casinos to online variants, such as Red Flush Online Casino, has opened up the industry to a number of semi-professional players looking to invest.

Obviously it is a highly specialised income booster and certainly not something the casinos themselves would recommend, however, there is no denying its growing trend globally.

Get paid for taking surveys

There is also a wealth-boosting opportunities on the web. Survey websites such as Toluna.com Yougov.com, and Panelbase.net all offer rewards in exchange for your opinions, either in the form of gift vouchers or cash.


Sell your stuff

If you have stuff you don’t need and that’s just gathering dust– sell it! Whether it’s old phones, clothes that your kids have outgrown, or a bunch of embarrassing CDs – sell them! And before throwing any old items away, remember that one person’s junk is another’s treasure.

Luckily, there are more ways to sell your stuff online than ever before. In addition to eBay, you can now put things up for sale on Facebook groups.


Facebook maybe the preferred place to sell your items as its free; just make sure you follow its guidelines when trading any items on the social network.

There are also loads of sites that will offer trade in your old CDs and DVDs for cash. We also recommend checking the policies on these sites regarding the items you wish to sell. This is because many will only accept items in mint condition.

You’ll generally get up to $1 in the US and £1 in the UK for CDs. DVDs go for upwards of $1 in the US and £1 in the UK. You can also expect to get rid of your old video games for $10 (US) or £10 (UK).

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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