Top Career Tips from Experts

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The professional world is as competitive as ever. Workers from all around the world are competing in the same career pool thanks to globalization and the internet. Staying ahead of the game and keeping your career progressing nicely are definitely more challenging too. Worry not, because we have the best tips from career experts and successful people right here in this article. These tips will help you get ahead and be that much closer to reaching the top. Let’s have a look, shall we?

Networking Is Important


If you think you can have an amazing career by working hard behind your desk, you are mistaken. There is a world of opportunities waiting to be discovered out there. The only way you can get to these opportunities is through good professional networks.

Lindsey Pollak, author of Becoming the Boss: New Rules for the Next Generation of Leaders, said that networking is more important than ever. It is also important to connect with people from different generations and backgrounds.

“The most successful people this year will be those who can communicate with Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials and the up-and-coming Gen Zs.” You’re facing rapid shifts in trends these days, so being able to understand the changes and keep up with them are beneficial to your career.

Enhance Yourself


Another piece of good career advice came from Ora Shtull, The C-Suite Executive Coach from New York. She said that it is very important to improve in any way. The smallest self-improvement could mean a huge difference in the way your career progresses.

“Change your act to advance professionally, enhance your presence, delegate the weed pulling, and engage in meatier strategic work.”

There are plenty of ways to enhance yourself too. Taking an online MBA from the best university in the country is a step worth considering. Getting an MBA online will definitely push your career to another level. You can also take professional courses and beef up your resume.

Another approach is to change your audience. If you don’t feel appreciated enough in your current work environment, perhaps it is time to consider a change. There are plenty of opportunities at places that will recognize your talent. All you have to do is apply for the right job and your career will be back on track.

Manage Your Time

Time is more expensive than ever. You have very limited time in a day and the best thing you can do with it is optimize it to the best of your ability. There are a few simple things you can do:

  • Stop procrastinating
  • Balance between work and personal time for a fuller life
  • Have enough ‘me’ time to stay energized
  • Prioritize and have schedules

These simple tips, and the expert tips we discussed earlier, will certainly help you move forward in your career. Don’t hesitate to take active steps and explore opportunities. Enhance yourself whenever possible and always be mindful with the way you use your time. Apply these tips and you’ll start seeing progress almost immediately.

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Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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