It’s Lonely at the Top – How to Maintain a Work–life Balance When You Are at the Peak of Your Career

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When you are moving through life with a career oriented perspective in mind, your goals tend to be focused on making it to the top of your career ladder.

But that doesn’t come easy. You sometimes have to sacrifice big dinners with your family, happy hour with your friends, and outings with potential dates.

As self-sacrificing as that may sound, no one can blame you for doing that. In today’s cutthroat world where competition stands at every other step, you have to ensure to you stand apart from the crowd.

And yet, while that perseverance can take you to the top of that career ladder, you find out what does it mean when they say “It’s lonely at the top.”

In order to make sure that you don’t feel deserted even with the success that you have achieved with your hard work, focus on making the most of the free time that you have on your hands.

Make Sure That You Don’t Feel Lonely

Now that you have some free time at your hands, don’t stick to the habit of avoiding companionship like you did during the demanding phase in your career. Instead, make sure to take some time to delve into the intimate side of human relationships.

Before you dive headfirst into the dating pool, slowly reintroduce yourself to intimacy and what it can do for you. Services such as CleopatraEscorts can help you achieve this goal.

As a reliable agency that is based in London, Cleopatra escorts can help you find companions who would be able to ease you into being intimate with another person without you having to feel like you may draw someone away again.

Make sure to discuss any special requirements with Cleopatra Escorts, and the London based agency would be able to help you out.

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Reach Out to Friends and Family

Another difficult yet necessary action would be to reach out to the friends and family that you may be ignored and most probably avoided during your ascent to success.

Make sure that you keep an open mind to any criticisms that are thrown your way for your behavior in the past – especially if they come from a place of fondness.

If possible, ensure to invest into some presents for occasions that you have missed in the past. This gives you ample talking points during your reunion.

Look into Hobbies

Have a hobby that you haven’t revisited in the past few years? Need to make sure you find a new interest that seems the perfect for you?

Now that you have ample time on your hands, you can ensure to find sufficient answers to each of these requirements. Take your time to see if there was anything in the past that you would have really liked to do but missed out on. On the other hand, if there is an activity in the present that you want to indulge into, then don’t hesitate from doing so.

By ensuring that you follow these steps, you can work towards maintaining a work-life balance and reward yourself for working hard through your career.

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Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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