How To Reach Your Target Audience

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Without an audience for your business, it will be a difficult task to grow and develop and the chances of financial success are minimised. Identifying the specific audience you need to target is the first step towards building a strong relationship. In order to increase revenue, you want to appeal to a relevant audience who have a genuine interest in what your business has to offer. Although this made sound like a simple task, it actually takes a lot of work and research; to understand the exact demographic you need to target.

There are many steps to building a relevant audience but to start with, you may want to visit websites such as, who provide expert knowledge in finding out about your target audience; meaning you can make the most out of the information they obtain. Expanding your target audience successfully all comes down to your market research and the information you find; so working with an external company who can help you with this, will only benefit you in the long run. To help reach your target audience in a more successful way, we thought we’d share a few simple ways in which you can do so.

Brand identity

Your company’s brand identity is how people perceive your business. From the mission statement to the colour theme, it all matters. When users first visit a website, they want it to consist of easy navigation, be rich in useful information and will more than likely focus on the overall look of the site. A recent survey found out that 52% of visitors want to see an “About us” page on the website and this is the perfect place for you to share your company’s mission statement and core values. Throughout your business it’s important to keep your branding consistent, especially as colour has been known to improve brand recognition by up to 80%. With this percentage being so high, it’s best to research what colours best represent your brand and are most likely to attract people to your business.

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Get social

With social media being used by millions of people all over the world, it’s a great way of connecting with your audience. Facebook and Twitter lead the way in the most popular social channels for business use and it’s easy to understand why. Social media is a great way to share content and images and it’s believed that information shared on Twitter which is accompanied by an image, receive 18% more clicks and 150% more retweets, compared to a tweet shared on its own. Accessing social media platforms can be done within seconds, especially via smartphones. With this in mind, you can see why so many businesses are using social media to share content and engage with their target audience on a daily basis.

Why market research?

At the heart of any successful business are its customers and without them, a business wouldn’t survive. By carrying out detailed market research, you can get a clearer picture of what your audience are searching for and adapt to suit their requests. Researching your audience will put you one step ahead of the game and give you the opportunity to make your brand more appealing to new and existing customers.

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Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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